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Case study of a YO Meter Pulse implementation at Twin Towns Clubs + Resorts (NSW, Australia) featured image

Case study of a YO Meter Pulse implementation at Twin Towns Clubs + Resorts (NSW, Australia)

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Twin Towns Clubs + Resorts, one of our clients in the Australian hospitality industry is currently running multiple YO Meter Pulse units for efficient management of water consumption. We started working with the client in late 2021 and have deployed nine devices in three buildings. Each device is used to read water volume from existing meters and transmit measurements via LoRaWAN to our cloud-based server, with the data being displayed in a user-friendly visualization platform.


Twin Towns Clubs + Resorts, one of our clients in the Australian hospitality industry is currently running multiple YO Meter Pulse units for efficient management of water consumption. We started working with the client in late 2021 and have deployed nine devices in three buildings. Each device is used to read water volume from existing meters and transmit measurements via LoRaWAN to our cloud-based server, with the data being displayed in a user-friendly visualization platform.

Since the installation of the system, the client has achieved significant savings and improved operational efficiency. Below are two examples of water savings reported by our satisfied client.

Use case of the Yosensi solution at Club Banora

In 2021, Twin Towns decided to investigate why the water consumption in one of their buildings was very high during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. After four months of the system ownership and having enough data for detailed analysis, they found a major water leak in the plumbing system of the golf course facilities, leading to an impressive AUD $60k saving within the first year. The bar chart below shows the decrease of the water consumption after the water leak detection (from a monthly peak of 1,400 m³ to 600 m³).

Decline in Club Banora’s water usage over a period of one year.
Figure 1. Decline in Club Banora’s water usage over a period of one year.

Use case of the Yosensi solution at Twin Towns Resorts

Most recently, in March 2024, the same client swiftly identified two water leaks in another building, showing the importance of adding the Yosensi IoT platform into their daily asset management operations. The prompt detection led to the successful repair of both leaks in their restrooms area, resulting in a noticeable reduction of water consumption as depicted by the bar charts below (from 40 m³ to 20 m³ on average).

Chart of water consumption at Twin Towns Resorts.
Figure 2. Chart of water consumption at Twin Towns Resorts.

One of the most exciting features of our IoT monitoring system that our client requested is the automated notifications of the water consumption on a daily basis between 5:00 am and 8:00 am. These values are used by the asset management team as a baseline enabling early anomaly detection if the water usage increases.

Visualisation of the operation of the Yosensi end-to-end solution - devices and platform.
Figure 3. Visualisation of the operation of the Yosensi end-to-end solution - devices and platform.

Effective water consumption management

The utilization of our Yosensi IoT Solution not only resulted in financial savings through water leaks reduction but also increased awareness and control over resources consumption. Our intelligent solutions help our clients to enhance their operational efficiency and their drive to environmental protection.

by Małgorzata
| 7 May 2024